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    For the last #ThrowbackThursday of May, we thought we'd take you to May 1, 1928. In the first photo, well-wishers gathered at the DC waterfront to bid bon voyage to the research vessel Carnegie on its seventh—and final—cruise. "Whistles roared from the harbor craft, and pleasure boats jockeyed for position to escort us down the Potomac…Everyone was impatient to put to sea. In the second image, Carnegie president John C. Merriam bids farewell to Capt. J. P. Ault, who ultimately lost his life when the ship exploded in Apia, Samoa, killing the captain and the cabin boy and ending the expedition. The third image is the map of the cruise that includes some annotations of measurements they took along the way. Link in bio for more info! #ScienceHistory #CarnegieScience #Science #Geophysics #MayDay #CarnegieScienceHistory #History #DCHIstory #DCWaterfront #GhostsofDC #WashingtonDC #EarthScience #terrestrialmagnetism

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    The Library and Archives are located in the Abelson Building of the Carnegie Institution's Broad Branch Road campus in Washington, DC.

    Books and periodicals in the earth and planetary sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and statistics are housed in the Main Library on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Abelson Building. Current journals and special collections are shelved in the Reading Room.  Reference works (encyclopedias, handbooks, atlases, etc.), laboratory safety information, and writing guides are located in  A-208.  A separate Astronomy Library in Research Building Room 272 holds materials in stellar/galactic astronomy and exoplanet research.

    The Abelson Collaboration Center (ACC), located in A-208, has advanced audiovisual equipment and may be reserved for group meetings, presentations, classroom instruction, and videoconferencing

    We are open to Carnegie personnel 24 hours a day and to other researchers by appointment from 8:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday.  Please contact us to arrange for your visit.

    All borrowed library materials must be signed out. Only persons with formal Carnegie Institution affiliation (staff members, post-docs, pre-docs, interns, visiting investigators) are entitled to borrow materials. The honor system is used; please complete a sign-out card for each item you borrow and deposit in one of the boxes provided. When returning materials, place them on the cart next to the copier on the 2nd floor -- please do not reshelve them yourself.

    Books and maps may be borrowed for extended periods, but are subject to recall at any time. Books marked "Reference Use" may not be taken out of the library, except by special arrangement. Current issues of journals do not circulate. They may be removed from the Reading Room briefly for photocopying, but then must be returned immediately. Borrowing of back volumes (bound or unbound) from the periodicals stacks is strongly discouraged; if necessary, however, these older journals may be signed out for a period of one week.

    The住房公积金是什么-百度经验:2021-1-18 · 住房公积金是什么,住房公积金很多朋友都不是很熟悉,也不是很了解,我具体的和大家进行一下分析和解释,我国的住房公积金是有一定的规定的,一般是指国家机关、国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业及其他城镇企业、事业单位及其在职职工缴存的长期住房储金,是企业给 ..., located in A-208, has advanced audiovisual equipment and may be reserved for group meetings, presentations, classroom instruction, and videoconferencing. Seating capacity is 16-38, depending on the desired configuration.
    The Reading Room is the original DTM library and dates to 1914, when the Broad Branch Road campus opened.  It seats 8-10 comfortably.
    To reserve either space contact the library staff or the DTM or GL front office.
    Carnegie employees may access the library’s ejournals, ebooks, and online databases offsite by connecting to the BBR campus network using VPN. Please contact your department IT manager to request VPN access and follow the instructions here: VPN Instructions



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